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In the beginning there was a void...

Within this void were sad faces, discontent, and melancholy. No where was there to be found, a fun, stress free, non-political, non-offending, light-hearted, suitable for all readers, entertaining, newspaper.

Mnemonic Marketing and Publishing Group (MMPG) saw that this was indeed not good! On, August 1st, 1998, MMPG delivered the very first issue of Tidbits to the masses throughout all of Calvert County.  Soon there were happy faces, contentment, and joy.

People were talking to their neighbors again and took to dancing in the streets. "At last, at last" they sang, "A happy paper is here, one we can even read to our children."

MMPG saw this, and knew that it was indeed good.

Since that day, hundreds of thousands of readers have enjoyed the stories, anecdotes, jokes, humor and more, every week.

A "tidbit" is defined as "a tasty morsel to be devoured before the meal." That's what Tidbits is- a morsel for the mind. The Tidbits Paper is a light and interesting newspaper dedicated to publishing things you didn't know, and, things that you long forgot that you never needed to know to remember!

Mnemonic Marketing & Publishing Group is a born and raised Southern Maryland, Calvert County business located in Lusby, Maryland.



   Tidbits of Southern Maryland is a weekly newspaper that is strategically delivered to about 100 locations in Calvert County each Monday for free distribution.

   Tidbits racks are located in over 100 places of business such as hotels, Mini Marts, restaurants, convenience stores, gas stations, medical and dental waiting rooms, senior centers, bars and lounges, retail stores, fast food shops, book and record shops, pizza parlors, Laundromats, truck stops, government and company cafeterias, health and herb stores, craft shops, visitor centers, and more.

   According to a recent survey, each copy of Tidbits is read by about three people, placing readership of Tidbits of Southern Maryland at around 11000 readers every week!

   The highest percentage of Tidbits readers, have an average median income of $65,945 in Calvert County, $54,345 in St. Mary's County and $58,682 in Charles County, with significant numbers with incomes above or below that level. Tidbits readers are those with inquiring minds.

   The subject matter in Tidbits is fun, stress free, non-political, non-offending, light-hearted, suitable for all readers, and entertaining. The content never contains a slant. We aim to entertain, not to teach. 

In Tidbits of Southern Maryland...
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This page was last updated on 10/17/08 




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Revised: October 17, 2008