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"For me, reading Tidbits is a lot like eating a bag of really good peanuts. Once you get started you're always going back for more."
Reader - Ron W.

"I got hooked on Tidbits from the first issue I read. It's a fun little paper that I look forward to. I know the places that carry Tidbits every week, so that's where I'll go for lunch. My neighbor saves them to read all over again."
Reader - Karla P.

"There's so much good stuff in every edition. Sometimes I'll have lunch at a certain place just because I know I can pick up Tidbits there."
Reader - Gary G.

“My wife reads Tidbits to me each week. (I have dyslexia.) It’s a great way for us to spend time together, laugh, and talk about the things in the articles. We have so much fun with this and are now closer than we have been in over 50 years of marriage."
Readers - Jim & Midge G.

"I always look at the ads in Tidbits because I think there will be something in there I need—and there usually is!"
Reader - Jeanne P.

"Tidbits® is a really nice break from the constant barrage of negative stuff you read and hear everyday. Reading Tidbits is always one of the highlights of my week."
Reader - Becky K.



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